*reive Another VoXXen joins the fray. This time it's Reive with ReiveLand, featuring poetry, fiction and crankiness.

*katie Katie's a high school senior who plans to go into computer engineering. She's also a musician who plays and composes for piano and violin. Find links about Web stuff, music, science, feminism and more. Also a page of responses to Yahoo's blackout page.

*lisa x. jean Squirrel Nutkin's Tree and what goes on there. Lisa is a very bad squirrel, you see, but a first rate geek as testified to by all of her family and friends.

*marianee "Three girls in Norway studying Information Technology. Right now we are finishing a project called "Women & Information Technology" which is going to have a page on the net. On this site we also have links to other women resources."

*raven Poetry (some images not for the squeamish!), photogallery, reading lists and more.

skumqueen Get ready for Hello Kitty Ninja Warriors. Or Pooh-bear goes apeshit. Trust me, just take a look.

*ellen s. Ellen is a grad student at MIT's AI lab. She's also a "very dangerous woman". Find some of her articles and check out her greeting card designs.

*nancy p. Nancy says "I know I'm some people's worst nightmare: an opinionated feminist computer nerd who puts pictures of her feline companions on the WWW." Don't be fooled. And check out her page for night people.

*melissa Webwitchery. Have a look at her professional pages, or her personal pages, or both. And she should offer an award for anyone who can figure out what body part her tattoo is on!

*connie c. "browse through cute goldfish pinups, an arts and crafts lesson on how to make a bag for your ZIP DRIVE, and read some "schtuff," about my school, and me, and my future work, and my sister...."

*jami Space, culture, and cool chyks!

*dragonfly On the Dragonfly Dreams site "interesting goodies at your beckoning" include: places of interest to Women, cool places to explore, Mail Art, Artistamps (hers are very colorful and cool!) Monotypes, and a nice shot of her tattoo.

*bethany g. Bethany's an anthro major about to head off for a year of study in Japan. Find all kinds of great anthropology info, as well as links to all those things Bethany can't do in her spare time because she doesn't have any spare time.

*karen d. Karen's page has a really interesting structure- find her musings and original writing interspersed throughout a tour of Tennesee's Oak Ridge and surrounding area.

*sasha miller Sasha Miller writes fantasy fiction with strong women characters. Her latest novel is Ladylord (TOR,1996). She also runs a writing workshop and edits a semi-professional magazine.

*arana You can always expect something good from Spider Sister. Arana has a droll style, and lots of great features, including the Spider Sister site of the week.

*heidi e. Heidi says: "I'm a Nrrd and proud of it! Stand up for what you are!" She's a junior at CalTech, studying economics.

*jennifer m. Jennifer's a freshman at M.I.T. who has fun with food among other things. Check out Chinese Food Roulette.

*megan m. Megan is a student at R.P.I. Keep up with her semi-regular rants, and find links to books, food, drink, and music among other things.

*lela k. Come to Lela's page and you'll find yourself in the doghouse. This doghouse of course, is filled with poetry, with a gateway to the Piggery, and links to music, and TV info.

*rachel Rachel's Girl Rights! page has articles, poetry, and links to all kinds of grrl stuff. Find out about her 'zine Girl Faze too.

*lisa s. One of Earth's great computer geeks. A TRUE WebDiva who eats, lives, sleeps, and breathes technology. Written up in Computerworld Magazine, she believes that Goddesses will eventually rule the 'net.

*badkitty "Once I was good, but my mother told me to stop it immediately, so I never was good again!" Welcome to the "scratching post of a confessed hellcat" and make yourself at home.

